Fairport Public Library
Fairport Village, NY
- 25,000 sqft
- Interior Renovation
- Rochester Regional Library Council Library of the year 2017
- In Partnership with SWBR
The Fairport Library renovation includes increased flexible space to the children’s area, a new teen study room and fulfills the library's mission of equal access to resources, promoting lifelong learning and being an integral and cooperative part of the community. Tappé Architects designed a comprehensive renovation to the 25,000 sqft Library. Located in retail space on the basement level of a 1970s small-town shopping mall, a completely new look was combined with much-improved access to daylight and entrance on the Erie Canal. A “Living Edge” strategy was developed, placing the primary patron spaces on the perimeter with the collections relocated concisely on the interior. Teens and children spaces are infused with new identities and technologies. The patron service points were reinvented for efficiency and to improve the welcoming quality while supervising relocated entrances.